Arizona 1.9 (2020-01-25)

Arizona 1.8 (2020-11-18)

Arizona 1.7 (2020-10-15)

Arizona 1.6 (2020-10-10)

  • Joystick support

Arizona 1.5 (2020-06-14)

  • System console bugfix.
  • Software logo updated.
  • Battery image in case of no signal.
  • Signal strength for poor signal added.

Arizona 1.4 (2020-05-21)

  • Name change.
  • Communication bugfix.
  • About updated.

CSDriver 1.3

  • Control of one stage at the time (needs firmware update).
  • Icon for About box changed.
  • Arrow icons changed.
  • Rearranging of buttons.
  • Smaller icon of signal.
  • Multiple click on about button bugfix.

CSDriver 1.2

  • Bugfix of serial port settings.
  • Set speed is saved into config.
  • Signal icon added.
  • Shortcut for speed change moved to spacebar.
  • Major code cleanup.


Driver software for stage SaguaroX.

Instructions to Control Device via Software Arizona:

The software displays the positive and negative directions of the axes, which correspond to the symbols on the device.

The device can be moved:

  • by clicking the screen buttons on Arizona software,
  • with keyboard buttons.

Arizona buttons description:

  1. about window,
  2. signal indicator – shows the strength of connection,
  3. battery level indicator,
  4. control arrows – move translation stage,
  5. lock button – locks control buttons (arrows and keyboard control),
  6. speed switcher – changes regimes between fast and slow.

Keyboard control:

  • keyboard arrows can be used instead of screen buttons,
  • control (Ctrl) works the same as the number 5 button,
  • spacebar switches speed regimes,
  • ctrl + S opens the settings window (where the port name can be set).



Workplace:  Hlavní 104 C, Lelekovice, 664 31

Invoicing address: Jundrovská 1230/19, Komín, 624 00 Brno