Today we would like to introduce you our modified motorized CT sample manipulation stage SaguaroX M Heavy. You might recognize the name from our original product. SaguaroX M.

SaguaroX M Heavy serves the same purpose as M. What is different is the load capacity. Heavy’s load capacity is enhanced to adapt to heavier samples, and can carry up to 30 kg. And even it provides double load capacity, that the original product, it’s only 2,5 kg heavier. You can compare the product’s parameters below.

It is used for quick mounting and fine centring of the sample, fastens and automates your CT analysis and is compact and wireless, so you can controll it from the outside of the CT cabinet.

The stage can be controlled by Arizona software, or, upon request, via joystick, in case you prefer manual positioning.

 Find more on our product website:


Don’t hesitate to contact us for further information.

SaguaroX M Heavy benefits
SaguaroXMHeavy parameters
SaguaroXM parameters